Friday, December 26, 2014


is s

I have met you on 7th of April, year 2014 at the exact time of 1933h. On that day, I thought it will be just a random chat. Just hi and hello, simple conversation and then probably goodbye one time friendship moments. But then, I have met you and at that very moment, I felt like I'm in cloud nine. It was so much fun, full of smile and there is still the shyness between us too. But even though it was our first time meeting, it felt like i have known you forever. The feeling of being myself around you is so strong. I don't need to hide myself around you.  I am who I am around you. After that day, i thought that it will be over. In my head i was thinking, "this moment here is over", so i summed up my courage and hug you there and then thinking that there is no second time. But then we continue to talk and meet up. We become very close and inseparable. You have come to know me as i have come  know you. And as we journey on, we have shared so many precious moments that i will never in my entire life will exchange for anything. We have the fun and laughters, the teasing and joking, the tears and sadness, the joy. Everything, we have been there. We have even top those who have known one another for years. Who would
have thought, right? that we will be in this moment here and now. Our relationship have grown to such extent that it is so wonderful to watch. Even now,as i lie awake on my bed and wondering, it is such a strike of good luck for me to have met you that day. I am very grateful to God who have given me this once in a lifetime chance, which is you. I have see through your kindness and caring heart. And you have proven time and time again how good and wonderful of a person you are. How?? Let me give you some proof that you have shown me. You always give your very best to grant me my wishes. You always find ways to make me smile. You have never leave me even if am very selfish, childish, and unreasonable. You have always calm my thoughts when i say to you my fears and doubts. You always make me laugh with your silliness and jokes. You brighten up my day with your smile. you show me you truly care for me. You never fail to be kind to me who is an utter idiot. You supported me through thick
and thin. And you have always been there no matter what i do or say, always understanding
me. There is so many that a blog like this could ever contain. A one of a kind guy have been with me and have never given up on me and you are the most wonderful gift I could ever hope for. 
So on this first new year together with you. Let me thank you from the bottom of my heart for being born. For letting me in your life and for being together until our life fades away. You are a blessing to me. And no matter what, if ever you choose another path to take, know that Roan Laiza Adao will always be with Jason Wu Jiawei. Thank you for caring for me so much. thank you for being you. For your simpleness and loving heart.



May god always bless you for you deserve it. May we have more years to come together and may we always win our trials together. 

Xie xie ni.. Jason..

Monday, April 8, 2013

Artemis Fowl Series- Books

I am certified addict for books (but not with textbooks though). I am an avid fan of books, that I spend my leisure time off work reading different novels. I usually read them at home while in bed and while eating fruits or junk foods accompanied by some ice cold cola. But sometimes i took my hobby on some cafe. I mean reading books while having a nice venti of Frappucino or cold machiatto with some banoffe pie or oreo cheesecake? What a great way to spend a day away from the hustle and bustle of work, and what a great way to gain weight too. LOL. I usually do this kind of stuff by myself, i mean not all of whom I know have the same interest as me (I guess my hobbies are way not normal than the rest of the people in my hometown). I also spend a great deal of my time on bookstores, choosing what books to buy first. Though I love shopping for clothes and make ups as well. (>.<) I am such a big spender when it comes to to my hobbies. I can't seem to control the urge to buy. I do plan what i need to buy befor, but in the end i can't seem to follow through. Because of this I have too many books at my room, that some of them are filed high on the floor. I wish I have a room only for my books, just like a mini library at my home. Maybe when I have buying power in the near and not so distant future.

Enough with my bibliophile life (and other life i might have mension), I'm here for a review of my own of this amazing book. Though its main target are children and young adult, I can't help but be hooked with it. I think that the whole world of geeks is hook and loving it like crazy just like mwaah. LOL. This is my favorite book so far. I mean, I read the sequel in successive repetition that I end up memorizing some of the lines in the story. The story is well thought, incredibly delivered in words that young people will understand and structured carefully by the author. The characters are clearly defined and you can't help yourself but fall in love with every single one of them. The puns and lines between each characters are humurously carried out that you might go ROFL (exaggeration much? >-<). Most books have some back drop when you reach the middle of the story, causing some readers to end up not finishing it, but with this novel, I'm sure that you will crave for more and more. Eoin Colfer have release 8 of this books  I wonder if this will be turn into a movie just like the others? I am so sure but I hope the person who will enact the main protagonist will do a good job, or people like me will be really disappointed.  Here's my review for each of the sequel.

Artemis Fowl

The very first installment of the Artemis Fowl collection. Young Artemis, heir to the criminal empire of Fowls is not just smart but a born genius and not only bad but evil in making. Since the disappearance of his father many years ago, aboard the Fowl Star, in the Arctic Ocean enroute to Russia, the Fowl's family name was almost turned into nothing but history. They are nearing bankruptcy and to top it all up, her mother Angeline suffered from severe depression due to losing her husband on the accident. Artemis Fowl is determined to return the name of Fowl in its former glory as the leading criminal empire of its time. And to achieved that devious plan, he will stop for nothing to achieve his devious goal. So he aims on acquiring the fairy's gold in anyway possible, to have wealth and fame and to be the youngest thief of his time.

Because of the synopsis in the back cover of the book, I know it will be a really interesting book to read. I mean, how many books out there feature a young boy whose not only a genius, but used his gift for evil scheme. And the battle of fairies with Artemis in retrieving Holly is funny and witty, both in the same time. All in all, this is definitely a 11 out of 10. (>.<)

Artemis Fowl- The Actic Incident

The second installment on the most loved novel today, since Harry Potter (I'm into it too!). Artemis Fowl is determined to seek his father out. He blackmailed the fairy folk, that if they refrain from helping him, he will make sure that the Mud people will know of their existence and gain their technologies that are way advance and develop in so many ways. Without anyway out, the fairy people agreed to the condition and grudgingly help and aid him in finding and rescuing his father from the Russian Mafia. In this part of the sequel, he  met the most evil pixie of them all, Opal Koboi. She was a genius as well and known to have develop most of the technology of  Fairy People. The adventure they have been through is full of thrill and mad thinking just like the previous one. The plot for me is better executed here and the evolution of every characters is clearly identified. The relationship between them is beginning to turn into friendship and great camaraderie. I gave this a 10 as well, because if this book isn't good, then i might have stop collecting the other sequels long ago. (>.<)

Artemis Fowl- The Eternity Code

Using the forcely taken fairy technology from the last retrieval operation for the kidnapped Holly Short, Artemis Fowl broke them apart and construct a new brand technology that is decades in advance of the present ones. The C Cube, is a technology that can almost do anything, from satellite detection, to instant hacking and to voice activation and anything in between. He plans to have a great deal of money out of the stolen technology buy finding the biggest bidder of the all, Jon Spiro. Since his father awakening from the hospital and telling him that the Fowl family will live a life of honesty, tredding the path of straight and narrow exixtence. That's why our boy genius decides that this will be the greatest and last scheme. He meets with the said man, to trade the cube, but knowing Spiro, he just steals the cube away from him, causing Butler to be mortally endanger. To help his only friend, he ask for help from the people (or another being?) who is less to give him an open hand due to what he have done to them in the past. Because the cube is in the hands of an evil individual, the Fairy People might be discovered out of hiding. In order to do retrieve it, Artemis needs the help of the fairies. But for them to completely aid him out of this situation, an agreement have been made. Memory is the price. This might be one of my favorite sequel. While reading the book, you might think that the author himself is some kind of a genius. The planning to stealing the cube back, to how they have escaped from it all is one wicked idea. A good read for every age.

Artemis Fowl- Opal's Deception

Artemis, with all his memory of the fairy people lost and wipe out, begun plotting and executing one of his not so good and honest plan. He plans to steal and acquire a certain painting from the vault of a famous bank, known to have the best security and safekeeping measures. If he ever accomplish this, he would be the youngest thief of all, and that's why his bend to take it in anyway he can do. But it seems this is a trap that may cost his life. Opal Koboi is at it again. She is back with a vengeance, and back with all sorts of plan to rid herself of the people that cost her downfall. This is a tear jerker for me. One of the beloved characters said goodbye, a true hero in every way. From reading the first few chapters, you will come to know that this will be immensely popular just like the previous one. The story is very creative, well versed and in every actions the character of the story takes is defined. You can see the connection they form throughout their adventures. It left me hanging though, because i want to read the next installment already.

Artemis Fowl- The Lost Colony

Child Genius meets another child genius. Another race of fairies lost in history and in time. Join Artemis, as he saves the demon race of Hybras along with Holly Short and the gang. The battle would be fierce as they try to foil the plan of another young genius from showing off the demon to the rest of the world; as they aim to save the demon from an evil gang leader type of guy; and as they strive to save a whole hoard of species from being extinct. This one is epic! That's great thinking from the author, throwing another character into play, not letting the story to revolve only in Opal as the nemesis. Great twist and turn on every chapter. You won't be able to guess what would happen next. You really need to read the whole thing down on every words.

Artemis Fowl- Time Paradox 

Artemis Fowl's mother; Angeline, has contracted a rare disease new to man. She seems to not respond to any form of treatment and is getting worse everyday. His father is on edge with worry and is placing all his hopes in his prodigal son. Artemis, who loves his mother so much, will do everything in his power to find a cure. Because he was magical now (in which he stole them from the previous book), he tried to cure his mother. But something went wrong and Angeline got worse. Panic starts to set in, so he ask for help from the fairy folk to diagnos his mother. And it seems the illness for she had contracted is way worse and impossible to cure. As he listen to their explanation of the illness and the only possible cure for such, which is gone for years; dread set in and as he thought about it and now believe, that what he have done in the past will come back to haunt him on the future. What can i say about this book? freaking awesome! Time travelling and facing one of his worst enemy, none other than himself. You can see Artemis transition from the most egoistic kid alive to a brave young man, though his not that good yet. I was hook in the ending, on how they have defeated Opal. Every chapter is full of plans going well then haywire, then plan B will be used instead. This is full of smarts, tricks and ingenius planning. May the best genius wins.

Artemis Fowl- Atlantis Complex

Artemis Fowl seems a little odd than usual, though his odd in every way. He doesn't trust anyone, even Butler, he keeps on counting, and is delirious. He goes to Iceland, along with the fairy people for an experiment he made to help the Lower Elements. But something went wrong and half of the best police died on the incident. And also, something happens to Artemis, when Holly shock to shut him up, that makes everything worse. I'm not that fond of this book. Well, it is good  too, cause Artemis is funny, but it wasn't as exciting as the other books. his other sequels are page turner and this one is not that much. One of the good point of this book is you never thought that Artemis will ever get sick in the head.

Artemis Fowl- The Last Gurdian (Final)

Opal Koboi has two of her underlings kill her past self, who had survived the Kraken blast in The Time Paradox. Her past self's death creates a paradox, causing Opal's creations from the past five years to violently explode. To prevent the destruction of Atlantis, Opal's prison, the Fairies place Opal in the containment chamber of a nuclear reactor. The blast destroys most Fairy technology, which Koboi labs had controlled or created, and human technology, since black market Koboi chips had been used in their development and construction. As explosions throughout the world blow out most vehicles, buildings, satellites, and cell phones, killing many people in the process, human communication systems shut down, and the human world falls into chaos. During her stay in the nuclear reactor, Opal furthers her ability to use black magic and opens The Berserker's Gate, a portal located on the Fowl estate, behind which dwell the spirits of fairy soldiers killed in the Battle of Taillte, an ancient war fought nearly ten thousand years previously. The spirits rise and possess Beckett and Myles, Artemis's twin brothers, and Juliet, corpses, and woodland critters. Queen Bellico, the spirit possessing Juliet, foils Artemis, Holly, and Butler's plan to prevent Opal from opening the second gate with a laser cannon from Artemis' solar plane. Artemis and Holly release some of the spirits to heaven before Opal opens the second lock. Using Opal's dying clone, Nopal, which Opal had created in The Opal Deception, Artemis closes the second lock on the Berserker's Gate, since only Opal can close the second lock forever. The closing of the second lock destroys all fairies within the boundaries, killing Artemis due to the fairy eye he received from Holly when they swapped eyes. Foaly clones Artemis using DNA from Artemis' saliva from when he kissed Holly just before he went to stop Opal, and Artemis' soul inhabits the clone. Even though the clone lives and contains Artemis' soul, the soul has suffered heavy memory loss. Holly begins to tell the clone the story of how she met the original Artemis, starting the opening line of the first book in the series: "Ho Chi Minh City in the summer. Sweltering by anyone's standards..."


I so love this book! The feeling is mixed; I am sad because this would be the last one and exhilirated that the ingenuity in every line the author have wrote down is present all through out. From the paradox to spirits and to plans that are executed very well are what have made every book of this brilliant author renowned and celebrated. I kinda cried away  while reading this book. The author have put all of his effort on this one. He really outdone himself with this book. By reading this you will notice that the characters grows on you in every sequel you have read. Truly a masterpiece!

Meet Eoin Colfer- The Mastermind behind the hit sequel

Eoin Colfer is an Irish author. He is most famous as the author of the Artemis Fowl series, but he has also written other successful books. His novels have been compared to the works of J. K. Rowling. Without him, we would have never met Artemis, and our imagination will be stagnant. Maybe he is a fairy? Genius author and a creative one at that. His one of my fave author along Mitch Albom.

Other Books releases

Artemis in Anime Version- My Fave Arts 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My journey for a clear skin!

who would ever want to have a face with zits outbreak in their lifetime? of course, no one! it is embarassing to face other people when you have acne, and sometimes it might cause bullying and depression on youngster. most kids entering their teens have experienced having zits on their faces, some on their necks and backs. comedones that are not fully removed on skin is one of the causes. and in most cases, just like mine; oily skin are the reasons for unwanted outbreaks. they said that the food you eat cause acnes, but research shows that it wasn't always true but not entirely false, though healthy food can greatly help in having and attaining healthy skin. you know you are what you eat, remember. stress, not having too much sleep, dirt, hormone imbalances and low immunity  can also cause acne breakouts as well.

to people who have the same experience as me, here is my tips that might help you out. i want to reach out to others whose experiencing the same condition as i have once before. this is what i have done and followed through to prevent myself for having another outbreak. This might not be applicable to all so still follow the regimen you have if that is what is most suited to you. i just want to share this with everyone. hope you like it. (>.<)

1. wash your face, twice daily with soap or facial foams that isn't harsh to the skin. don't wash your face too often for it will remove the natural oil of your face that actually helps in pushing out the stuck dirt on your face and for your skin not to dry out so much. use oatmeal soap or soap with salicylic acid. i use acne-aid soap, but use soap/ foams/ cleansers that are suited for you. when washing your face, first, i use warm water to open up the pores so dirt and oil will be easy to flush out. After, cleanse out the lather with cold water to close the pores back up. while lathering up your face, i used my middle and pointing finger in gently scrubing my face- use circular motion. i just add this up by myself, but i exfoliate my face every two days with St. Ives apricot scrub with salicylic acid, to remove the comedones. when drying your face, pat dry only! don't rub the towel on your face, because it cause tiny opening on the skin for bacteria to go through. just remember this steps.

warm water + soap/ cleansers + warm water + cold water

2. Apply toner. I used L'Oreal Hydrafresh as a toner for my skin. If you are not so sure, look for toner containing tea tree oil. Most people apply their toner with the use of cotton balls, but I apply mine with the use of my fingertips only. Commonly, we wipe the material on our face too much or too harshly, with the thought that all the dirt and oil will be removed completely. It's the general practice that even I used to follow, but because of this that you have more outbreaks than before. Too much rubbing of the material cause minute abrasions on the skin, enough for the bacteria to pass through.  There's nothing wrong if you really want to apply the toner on your face with the use of cotton balls, but do it gently, like stroking feather on your face.

3. Moisturize your skin daily and twice a day. Some people assume that moisturizing the skin is not necessary for oily skin, because it might cause the skin to be extra oily and sticky proning the face to more zits, but on my part, I believe that it is as vital as cleansing your face. Moisturizing your face will help your skin to be hydrated, giving you the fresh and healthy look.  I have use two moisturizer. First, I use Papulex Isocorrection- twice daily, thinly applied, to help the skin to be fuller in appearance and it helps with the skin regaining its healthier look minus the crater cause by the zits. After using it all up, I continue it with Cetaphil facial moisturizer with SPF 15 to protect the skin from harmful rays of the sun.

4. For acne breakout, use erythromycin + benzoyl peroxide ointment. Most dermatologists offer these ointments, since they concoct it themselves. But if your skin is fine with any ointment, you can use Benzac Ac or Celeteque ointment to dry out the zits faster. Apply thinly. (This is optional, please be sure of the ointment you apply on your face.)

5. Use sunscreen protection when going out. I use BB cream- non comedogenic and gentle to the skin. I use Etude House precious mineral BB cream, Laniege BB cream or Maybelline clear smooth BB cream, but of course apply such creams that you are most likely suited for. I use BB creams because I am not use to going out without make up. If you don't want to use creams on your face, you can just use any sun block. It's up to you. Protect your skin from the sun's harsh rays. It cause damage to skin that sometimes needs medical treatment. If you can't go out without your make up on (just like me), use make up that are non comedogenic.

6. This one optional. Once a month go to your dermatologist or any spa clinic that offers diamond peel. Most comedones cannot be removed by just washing your face, so through this method, comedones that are deeply trapped can be completely remove. This will also aid in renewing you skin in a much healthier look. After this treatment, you will feel that your skin is like of a baby. (>.<)

7. This is some additional help that i did myself and a great help on that, not only for your skin, but your entire body. Take Vitamin C daily. I took up 1000mg of Vitamin C everyday. It helps your skin by renewing healthy cells and it boost your immunity as well. Daily intake of fruits and vegetables is a must too. but most of all, do not neglect water intake. Drinking plenty of water in daily basis promotes detoxification and hydration of skin.

Everybody loves to have a healthy and acne free skin. This may perhaps be because of my very experiences with having acne that I was motivated to make this entry I remember the times I woke up in the morning, and there's a new acne growth on some part of my face. I feel my self esteem going downtown low, having this emotion that you are never pretty. I know some of you guys and gals may have felt the same way. But don't be.. We are all pretty. I hope you will like this post that I made for all and sundry. I want to help out even just by blogging my battle with acne. LOL. Remember, this are just tips you may or may not follow. For proper treatments, you can visit your dermatologists. For more questions, visit me and ask away. I also welcome your suggestions and comments. (>.<)

Thank You Very Much For Your Time
~Ja mata ne~

Monday, March 25, 2013

Ryu Hye Ju- ulzzang

this is Ryu Hye Ju- my favorite ulzzang gal. she's so pretty and natural and have a skin to die for. it's like she never had any imperfections. sometimes i wish i am as pretty as her.

Otaku Life

the way i was so addicted to anime is confusing and childish to others, but refreshing and a stress reliever to myself. i started having some problems with a lot of things and the way i do help myself is watching anime, reading manga, and buying action figures which i arranged in my room carefully and with finesse. life must be live with happiness and you can achieve that by doing what you want eventhough it appeared to be weird to other people. i mean, why bother about their opinions, as long as you can be happy and live without regrets.  a life of a geek like me might have some flaws but so what, it's not your life but mine.

that's it for my initial blog i guess..